Welcome to Arke Ministries Fellowship International (Australia).
We do indeed need to enter into God's global network and become part of His kingdom that has no end, for God has so loved us, He wants us to have everlasting life.
Arke Ministries Fellowship International Our vision is to preach the salvation of God that is found in Jesus Christ our Lord to the ends of the earth. Jesus told His disciples to go out into the highways and by ways and compel them to come in.
The Internet is one giant super highway where we travel in obedience to God's word.
Please see our other Arke Ministries website for Daily Bible Readings and the Sequential Bible reading for the whole Bible.
Arke Ministries exists for this very purpose that people might know God's love and come to find Him in their lives.For our hope is in God who made the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in them. We need God in our lives more than anything else, for He is the only one who really cares for us.
So as you read these pages in our website, check out our ministry and from other pages.
You will find pages about our ministry, prayer, about us, an introduction, our vision, music, useful links.
All about God, ministry, prayer, love, life, vision, music and promotion.
© Copyright - Arke Ministries Fellowship International 2010 © - Graphics & Hosting Jennabiz Graphical Services